Stories from our member farms
The Healds
Russell and Charlotte Heald own a 322ha Dairy operation in Tararua. They began with regenerative transition in 2017. In year one of transition, the Heald's dropped $200k off of their feed bill and have since gone organic.
The Hoggs
The Hogg family run a dairy farm and grow vegetables on their 255ha property, Mingaroa Farm, in the Manawatu. They began their transition in 2017 and have since become certified organic.
The Foleys
The Foleys own a 79ha sheep and beef property, Whatumā Farm, in the Hawkes Bay. They began their transition in 2018 and have seen impressive results from planned holistic grazing.
Willie White
Willies owns Sherwood Farm, a 750ha dairy farm in the Hawkes Bay and began the transition to regenerative practices in 2020. He has increased profitability while decreasing synthetic N, P, K, and S fertiliser use.